AI at Your Brain

Pouya Aminaie
Mar 21, 2021


Imagine that any neural disorder can be predicted only by a single chip !!

I have developed a single-channel BCI device for EEG remote monitoring and on-chip prediction of any mental status based on machine learning algorithms.

In this project a brain mapper device has been designed and implemented on microcontroller.

  1. In the hardware design, a two-stage amplifier has been designed to amplify small signal.
  2. 12-bit ADC is used to convert received signal to binary value.
  3. The signal is transmitted to PC through USART protocol by HC05 bluetooth module.
  4. The signal is Simultaneously plotted on GUI which is design on MATLAB.
  5. Mental status can be predicted based on machine learning algorithms.

I will explain more about this project in the future. you can access to project repositories via following link:




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